Sounds too extreme?
And yet you have no problem accepting the idea that God would send a self-willed human being to spend ETERNITY burning and suffering in the fires of Hell??
Oh... that's different?
I see...
You know, I don't get too heated about many topics, at least I try not to. I try to remain objective and clear headed and I will try my utmost to remain so throughout with blog, but I should mention at the outset - this really chaps my ass!
"Of course it does!" you might say "the whole idea of Hell is a very unpleasant one and something that we all would like to do away with, but without it there is no consequence for sin! And you just want to dismiss it so that you can justify living the way you want to live without fear of the eternal price tag!"
Okay... (me taking a deep cleansing breath).
There are several reasons why I know that the idea of Hell, as a literal place where us unbelievers go to suffer for all eternity for our self-willed rebellion, is bull shit. I will try to explain as concisely as possible why this whole concept is an irrational doctrine motivated and sustained entirely by fear.
1) It's easy ( perhaps for some) to think of psychopaths, child molesters, rapists, the Hitler's of the world burning in Hell. We feel justified sending them to suffer for their wrongdoings. Easy for some to choose to see the world in the stark contrast of black and white. But the world is not black and white. Nothing in fact is black and white. Choose if you will to disagree but what about the individual who lives a good life, giving to those around them, compassionate, humble and loving who happens to be a Buddhist? Perhaps you can feel justified sending them to burn in Hell... but really? "Well..." you say "It's unfortunate and God desires that none should perish but... it's the choice that they made".
I see...
What about your friends and family members who aren't Christians? You're okay with the idea of them burning in Hell for eternity simply because they have different ideas about truth? "Well, of course I'm not okay with it! I wish that they would just believe the way I do... but they've made their choice and God's judgement is righteous."
I understand now...
The world is black and white and it doesn't matter how you live, or how much good you do in the world. Don't say the prayer, burn in hell. Don't believe and blindly accept every word of the Bible and the interpretations that I have developed and come to accept, burn in hell. Not that I'm judging or anything, but... burn in hell.
While I am incapable of embracing this mind frame, and don't understand how any human being can be OK with it, I understand that many of you do and are able - somehow - to justify resigning YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS to such a fate. This isn't even the main point, just a side note. But even if it was really the way God operated, that is his prerogative and we have no right to even speak such things, let alone use them to motivate unbelievers! How morbid is that?!
2) You mean to tell me, the same God who created everything in and beyond this universe, the complex systems of natural laws and the organisms, the incredible human machine, the interconnectedness of ecosystems, the list goes on and on and on... this same God cant come up with a more creative way of dealing with man's self will than, "sorry... you had your hundred years to figure this shit out. Now you get to burn in Hell for eternity! Sucks to be you!" I think not.
This is why I believe that our experience here on Earth is a learning process that for most of us lasts more than just one lifetime. When we return home we have the opportunity to look back, assess the life we lived as human and then do it again, avoiding the same potholes. If I, being a mere human can think of a more efficient, compassionate, productive way that guarantees a 100% success rate, I'm sure God can think of something!
3) I understand why the concept of Hell exists. Its like raising a child. without discipline, they don't learn to "do right". But there comes a time when the threat is no longer necessary. Bottom line, if you're a spiritual child who needs the idea of Hell to keep you on the straight and narrow then by all means, do what you gotta do. I would hope that at some point, you mature enough to seek good for good's sake, God for God's sake, Truth for Truth's sake, love for Love's sake... not because the alternative is too scary to face.
This is cowardice, the most vile of human tendencies.
I have a Christian friend who's asked me on several occasions, "but what if you're wrong man? I don't know about you but, I'd rather just believe in the Bible knowing that just in case, I'll be safe then risk it."
Well... I just have one thing to say about that. If this is how you see it, then you are a believer out of fear, not love. This statement does NOT come from faith, but from fear.
If you feel this way, then your belief is an insurance policy. This is not faith. This is not love, and I want no part of it. If I die and face God and discover that He is actually the God of the Christians and only the Christians (which I doubt), then I will stand before Him in honesty, and He will know that I sought with courage and an open heart, eyes wide open and that I refused to bow to fear even when that doctrine was placed like a gun to my head. And I will be honored to stand before Him as a human being, who refused to devalue the life inside of another, even though they saw the world through different eyes.
Any decision made in fear will be the wrong decision. Have the balls to love one another no matter what your big book says. You say "fear is the beginning of wisdom!" Perhaps...
but it sure as hell isn't the end!
ReplyDeleteI love my children, their spunky little personalities and I'll never disown them. ;)
You know, Adam, your comment following your post pretty much says it all for me. If you, being a flawed mere human being who has fathered children, can love them so much that you will never cast them away from your presence,surely a perfect creative entity would love its creatures at least that much. I think it is actually rather vain of man to attribute the human qualities of anger and disgust to an all-powerful creative spirit. To believe this creator would stoop to "its my way or the highway" seems rather ridiculous at the very least. We love in spite of ourselves I think, and yet we instinctively put our offspring first. There's lots to discuss here... I enjoyed your musings.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, why are you fired up about it? If it isnt true.. dont worry about it mon. No-one is forcing you to believe in hell. From your perspective, the idea of hell should be no more trivial than meeting a purple gorilla who beats you with a unicorns horn when you die. And to clarify, i am in no way in a position to determine what your salvation is. No christian is. Thats your deal. I figure my salvation out my way. If hell aint true... dont worry bout it! I will always love you with no judgement. If you think i write you off, or assume you are going to hell cause you dont believe what i believe... you are wrong. I dont write people off. I would never pass some judgement off on you... if you assume i do, you are also wrong. Just when i think i know everything, i am quickly shown that i am a moron. Trust me... from this guy right here.. u will get love and hugs and motorcycles. Im sick and puking my guts out right now.. worst night ever.. someone send me to the gorrilla.. i want to die right now..
ReplyDeleteThanks Tommy, you are a good friend and I'm sorry you're sick.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't talking directly to you though. I have a phone for that. (I did make reference to some of our conversations, but only because you used reasoning that I've heard elsewhere and it's representative of a large percentage of the Christian population) We've talked and I know where you stand on the Hell issue, so if it doesn't apply let it roll off your back. I get "fired up" (pardon the pun) not over the IDEA of Hell.
no. You're right. the ludicrous idea isn't the real issue. People have all sorts of ludicrous ideas. What gets under my skin are the people who walk about, calling themselves the Children of God, waving their Bibles at the strippers, the Homosexuals, the alcoholic, the drug addicted, the "New Agers", the Buddhists, the ANYTHING other than Christian and proclaiming (in secret amongst themselves, during a Sunday sermon, over morning coffee or in the open with picket sign) that they are going to roast in Hell.
All of this, mind you, in THE NAME OF GOD. Because...yeah... that's what Jesus did! oh wait...
THAT gets me fired up.
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ReplyDeleteThere are always people that will preach hellfire and damnation. There will always be extreme groups that do this, and think they are in some kind of authority. The fact is, at the cross, all have fallen short of Gods glory. To think you are in a position of authority on the matter is very dangerous. It means you are competing with Gods position of true authority. This is what satan himself did.. (if u believe in satan).. and what got him thrown iut of heaven. he put his own authority first and took others with him at the same time. It is the reason that hell was created in the first place. For satan and his crew. It wasnt created for people. But it seems natural that the prince of the air (satan) who was given the keys to earth for now.. would want to bring as many with him as possible.. misery loves company right? God just provides a simple way to avoid it.
ReplyDeleteDont let the extremists get to you... im not sure which verses you are talking about in reference to Jesus.. but if you believe he was God, then it should be no surprise that he spoke like one who had the only authority.
Do you know about the different hells that the bible talks about? It distinctly separates them. Most people dont know about the difference.
I appreciated your post, Adam, and I couldn't agree with you more. This topic is near and dear to my heart as well, after spending years in fear about whether I was doing the right thing, believing the right thing, worshiping the right way, praying the right way...this could go on ad nauseum.
ReplyDeleteI remember walking away from my (our) old life, having MANY many conversations with my husband about this very issue, and feeling nearly paralyzed with fear. "What if I'm wrong" became this torturous mantra, playing over and over.
Then I came to see/feel two things:
a) the idea that an omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful, all-wise, all-loving, compassionate Creator God would banish to torment a child of his own for all eternity, in response to a handful of decades... this made absolutely zero sense to me. I simply could not find any way to justify such an act.
b) if "a" is true? I want no part of a being like that. Good grief, I stay away from volatile people on earth (and their power is far less reaching).
I have only to observe the many parents I am privileged to know to understand that love always gives a way out- and forgiveness has no expiration date- even past the death of our bodies.
Tommy, I am curious about these different levels of Hell you referred to. Could you explain?
ReplyDeleteThings might make more sense if you dont look at it like God is the one sending you to hell, but the individual choosing his own way over Gods perfect way, and the way of man is sin, which leads to eternal death. If God didnt give you the choice of either way, you could not truly love him in response. Like sarah said, love always gives a way out.. (i assume that sarah means it that it always alows whomever it is meant for the ability to respond however he/she wants... or maybe its more specifically that love can free someone of hate or harmful behavior because he has the choice of loving instead.) if you think about that statement for a bit... you must realize Love DEMANDS a choice. There is no other way to embody or express love without choice. A true Christian doesnt love Jesus out of fear but loves Jesus out of a response of Jesus' love towards us, a response of choice. To say that it is better that there be no hell, implies that no-one has reprecussions or accountability for their actions. In this case it would seem a person living under this premise would tend to be much more volatile then a person who believes that they have punishment for wrongdoings. The person who has no accountability for their actions will justify their actions however volitile they may be. Someone who responds out of love to the ONE (Jesus) who saved him from getting what he deserved, lives life with self control, humility, appreciation, and meekness. Not fear. This has everything to do with the concept of grace; getting something you dont deserve. Jesus covered your sins by dying in their place while you were still deserving of death. I like that acronym ive heard for the term grace. GODS RICHES AT CHRISTS EXPENSE. Then theres mercy: not getting what you do deserve. God is abundant in grace AND mercy.
ReplyDeleteGenerally speaking.. I would assume that if a person lived in fear of something of eternal consequence they would study it as much as they could so they might know how to avoid it the best. Even, though living in fear of hell is silly altogether, because Christ clearly mentions that he overcame it on the cross. He full on showed it that it had no power over Him... and similarly if He is in us, we have the same conquering power. Romans 8:37-39: "yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For i am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor principalities or powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor hieght nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
It is also good to know that fear alone doesnt make you a Christian. Like the Word says: "The fear of the LORD (lord in all caps always refers to God, only the L in caps refers to Jesus) is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
ReplyDeleteI think the only healthy fear to have is fear of God... check in case im wrong... but i think that is the only fear that the bible mentions is actually healthy to have. Pslam 103:17 Psalm 111:5 psalm 115:3.. to name a few (there r many many versus with the word fear in them).... check em out... proverbs 14:27 the fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to turn [one] away from the snares of death.. prvrbs 22:4.. by humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life. ..
the concluding and summarizing statment of ecclesiastes says it well also.
You also should do a Word study about hell. Get out the strongs concordance and figure out all the times the bible mentions hell, and what different hells it is referring to in the aramaic/hebrew/greek. When i went through it the first time i remember it being incredibly fascinating because it was much different than i had previously thought. People generally lump the different hells all into one category. I would encourage you to check it out..you will get more out of it if you do it yourself. I promise.... or we could do it together if youd like too.. i love learning more!! What do you think? A productive exploratory study that can be done in great depth. Undoubtedly beneficial for character building in many ways... that do not include fear.
God Bless you all. I am posting always in love, and not because i love to stir up strife. I always struggle with tactfulness. My heart for truth sometimes gets ahead of my ability to tactfully articulate what i want to say in love.